Digital Marketing Agency Secrets Revealed

Advanced Principles

The basic SEO strategy outlined on the last page will be enough to get your site some serious recognition on Google. But once you have your basic on-page and off-page strategy in place you’ll want to move into the more advanced methods outlined below. This will be key to your future rankings on Google.

Next, you will want to give more juice to your best video, your best article, your best press release, your best Web 2.0 property, your best blog, and even some help to your profiles and bookmarks. Essentially you’ll want to boost what is referred to as your tier one links. You give them more juice the same way you give juice to your money site – by having other websites and web properties link to them, or if going the grey hat route, sending the links yourself. The reason for sending links to your links is that you want the juice to get to your site, and you want as many these web properties to get to the front page of Google as possible.

Wouldn’t it be better to have ten properties on page one than only one property? Every link you have on page one is a link that your competitor does not have. The goal is to squeeze your competition off of page one. Also, the stronger you make your video, press release, article, etc., the more juice they will pass to your money site. Because Youtube is such a strong authority site, your video will only need a few links to get it to the first page. Linking from this strong video to your money site will have an impact on the ranking of your money site, but it will also send direct traffic as well. The same holds true for articles, press releases, etc.

Your advanced link building strategy should look something like this illustration:

Action Step: Read the Basic SEO and Advanced SEO pages and make sure you understand them. The concepts contained are critical to your success.

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